Oct 6, 2017

苏轼 - 江城子


Mar 26, 2017

Everybody is a genius

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

Mar 8, 2017

The enemy of a startup is everyone else's life

The enemy of a startup is everyone else's life - Brian Chesky

Aug 27, 2016

George Lucas talking about biggest lesson he learned from Coppola

"Look, when you write a script, just go as fast as you can. Just get it done. Don't ever read what you've written. Try to get it done in a week or two, then go back and fix it, and then go back through as fast as you can, and then go back and fix it – you just keep fixing it. But if you try to make each page perfect, you'll never get beyond page 10."

Apr 22, 2016

Apr 6, 2016


I find I'm so excited that I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it's the excitement only a free man can feel. A free man at a start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.
- From Shawshank Redemption

Jan 14, 2016

See Your Photo Through FrameIt AR

After more than 18 months of struggle, my app FrameIt AR finally hit the App Store.

Jan 2, 2016

Focus is About Decision Making

This is from a talk Don Melton gave at NSNorth 2014. Don manages the Safari team at Apple for 10 years and is responsible for creating the Webkit project. His angle gives a better insight on why focus is so much easier to say than done.
One thing that always impressed me about Apple, one thing that Steve brought to the company, some say with a vengeance upon his return, was a narrow, bright beam of attention and effort on what really mattered most, and a single-minded will to iterate and iterate and iterate and iterate until we fucking got it right.
I look at other organizations who just throw shit at the wall, beta after beta after beta, sometimes looking up to see what sticks. Or those that make scores of slightly different devices, hundreds of configurations, that even they can’t tell apart, let alone their customers. And of course, I don’t see focus there. Because focus is hard, because it’s about making decisions. Decisions that have consequences, decisions that change things, decisions that change people. And some companies and some people don’t want to make those hard decisions. Because that takes courage.
If there’s one thing about Apple you should emulate in your business and your life, it’s not the innovation everybody talks about. It’s the focus that makes it possible.

Dec 29, 2015

climate change

Saw a bumper sticker today says I believe in climate change. These days people polling and voting for everything. I believe next time congress will have a statement like this:

The vote does not pass 2/3, therefore this year's climate change is canceled.

No Title

To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a thumb

Dec 26, 2015

Less Is More

Once you reach a decent level of professional success, lack of opportunity won’t kill you. It’s drowning in 7-out-of-10 “cool” commitments that will sink the ship.
Nicely put by Tim Ferris in his blogpost.

Dec 3, 2015

浪淘沙-过七里泷 夏承焘

万象挂空明,短篷摇梦过江城。可惜层楼无铁笛,负我诗成。 杯酒劝长庚,高咏谁听?当头河汉任纵横。一雁不飞钟未动,只有滩声。

Nov 19, 2015

Design Flaw or Design Opportunity

I'm amazed by the thinking behind the tiny change to the toothbrush. And this is a true example of no details is too small. Don't always blame marketing or senior executives. There are things totally lie in designers' hands. Design responsibly. This video originally appeared on Story Hopper.

Jun 18, 2015

Value your work, even it's shit

Back in the pre internet days I was a young college teacher and did many small design projects as my side work. Some of them looked fancier than others. So I kept the good looking ones (meaning with fancy presentation such as an airbrush painted interior design drawing, a computer rendered telephone etc). There were stuff that I really put into my time and sweat to build with my hands. But they looked a little rough and I was somewhat disappointed by the turnout. So I was a little ashamed to include those in my portfolio. After almost 20 years, I couldn't even find a lousy photo of the models I made. They are gone without a trace.

It turns out, those ones, the ones that I really put in my heart into, regardless how good they are, are the ones I value most now. And I miss them dearly. 

Jan 13, 2015

Supply chain is about people

Amid all the media frenzy about robots and AI, and the prospect of them taking over warehouses, cars, and of course factories etc. etc., Bunnie Huang, a hardware guy gave a much needed sober assessment on the key to success on supply chain in his blog post, which is to recognize that supply chain is more about WORKING with people.
In the end, building hardware is a fundamentally social exercise. Generally, most interesting and unique processes aren’t automated, and as such, you have to work with other people to develop bespoke processes and products. Furthermore, physical things are inevitably owned or operated upon by other people, and understanding how to motivate and compel them will make a difference in not only your bottom line, but also in your schedule, quality, and service level. Until we can all have Tony Stark’s JARVIS robot to intelligently and automatically handle hardware fabrication, any person contemplating manufacturing hardware at scale needs to understand not only circuits and mechanics, but also how to inspire and effectively command a network of suppliers and laborers.

Sep 19, 2014

Jered Spool on Design Decision Making

I don't fully agree his hierarchy. But Jared Spool's talks are always intriguing and fun.

Anatomy of a Design Decision | Jared Spool | Live at An Event Apart | Video from Jeffrey Zeldman on Vimeo.

Apr 23, 2014


  • 飞机从密歇根另一小城飞过来,已经晚点数小时,机组急于在雷暴到来之前离开底特律
  • 就在飞机滑向跑道的时候接到调度的通知临时更改跑道
  • 这个微小的干扰打断了副机长正在进行的清单检查(checklist)
  • 在飞机更改跑道之后副机长没能从中断的清单继续检查,漏掉了一项基本操作,延伸襟翼(flap wing)。襟翼没有延展最终证明是个致命错误,飞机在转到较短的跑到之后根本没有足够升力。 副机长甚至漏掉将计算机调整到起飞状态。


Apr 22, 2014

Say No to the New Flat

OK, I started the draft in June 2013, when iOS 7 is flatten out. My complaints about the flat style, started by Microsoft on its Metro UI are:

  • You can't tell whether a text is a text or a button
  • Without depth, most often represented by shadow effects, you lose an axis to show the visual hierarchy
  • The extreme skeumorphism often times stand in the way of proper use of the digital media.Take the example of tearing off pages as a way of switching months, and imagining you are flipping back to some time in the past, do you expect the teared off pages to be unteared? How would that happen in the real world? Using this metaphor will put yourself in a corner. But going to another extreme doesn't make things better either. The Utopian/Puritan thinking often starts with good intentions, but never actually works in the real world. 

Jul 3, 2013

